Tuesday 20 January 2015

Film Opening Analysis 2 - 'Source Code' (2011)

1 - This is the first character we see in the film ‘Source Code’. This close up shot of a ordinary man on train ‘dreaming’ marks a question instantly to why this has been chosen to be the first shot in the film. The combination of  the audience being immersed in his dream and the background noise of the train carriage, the audience feel a sense of suspense and eeriness to the situation. 
2 - As he wakes up from his nightmare/thoughts we question the significance of him in the film and the thoughts that he is having.
3 - From him realising there is nothing to worry as there are no collisions, as an audience we wonder whether this is a indication of foreshadowing, as every action that occurs in a opening tends to be significant in the rest of the film. 
4 - This shot is when we meet the second character. We hear her voice a few moments before it cuts to a visual shot of her. 
5 - We see in this part of the opening sequence a lady being relaxed whereas the man seeming that she doesn't know her.
6 - This next shot is a good example of a closeup. Generally close ups mark a significance in the film and this example is a shot of a bag saying 'Walter Reed, Army Medical Centre'. This specific example of a close up will hint a meaning but will generally come apparent to the audience later in the film. 
7 - This next clip is a mid shot of the man and a new 'character' appearing in the sequence. Here, the man is trying to understand what's going on by stepping off the train.
8 - When he looks into the mirror, he sees he is a different person. From both, his and the audiences realisation we question further the reason behind this and try to find clues to why he's acting like a different person from the 'inside'. 
9 - Following him being confused - this 'unknown lady' says to him "Everything is going to be okay". As soon as she says that the train blows up. 

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