Friday 23 October 2015

Test Shots 2 - Performance | Pre-Production

The other day we did the second half to our test shots. We set out to see if the performance aspect of our music video was as good as our expectations. We found that doing these tests shots was very useful as we could highlight any issues. One problem that we found was the quality of the visuals were very poor; this was due to us having to shoot in low light. The bad quality of the video came from the choice of lens. We chose to use a 18-55mm lens, which we found was not suitable as it couldn't allow enough light into the camera (for the situation we were filming in). However, even though our test shots look very unsuitable for our actual music video, we have found a solution. By using a 55mm prime lens, the camera will be able to gain much more light because the lens has a fixed aperture. We are also going to use a Canon 70d as it has a higher frame sensor than the Canon 700d.

Also, when we come to film the music video, the walls of the set will be covered in white cloth. This will make the performance look much more cinematic as it will create the room into a white box. This will also allow the led coloured lights to reflect of the walls easier. Below shows a music video by ‘Neon Jungle’ who portray that kind of look that we are striving for.

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